Monday, March 10, 2014

10 questions

Considering the jolly nature of my project, I think it would impossible, yet amazing to talk to Bill Murray. The fact that that man is so famous that this Could potentially happen is astounding. The ability for an individual to do such an innocent thing with no credibility for the one offering the case is astounding. Not to mention the dark humor he displays would probably make me very content, and I would have the ability to be entertaining and pass a story to another generation.
1. Why don't you do more stupid crazy things?
2. How is immortalized life?
3. What is something you truly regret?
4. What is something you are supremely proud of?
5. What was the funnest role you've ever played?
6. What kind of music are you a fan of?
7. What are your ideas of being really happy?
8. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
9. If you were to live your life from the start, how would you go?
10. What childish prank would you be willing to commit if you did not have such a household name?

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