Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Remix Hamlet Essay For Dummies (because I'm a dummy who cant remix)

I'm going to dumb down the main points of the essay because I don't know how to remix! Yay!

Shakespeare loves using concrete details to solidify His meanings, but he also throws in abstract terminology for the sake of double entendres and the occasional illusion to biblical references or big ideas of the time period. The correlation between what a character says and does shows the innermost mind and values of said character. This can create a deeper understanding of a charecter.

Hamlet uses the words he says to determine what he is like, as an anchor for his personality. Claudius on the other hand does not solidify his alliance to his words, and the use of his abstract venom to the ears of the listeners makes him a target for disrespect.

In all simplicity, Shakespeare was trying to get the most bang for his buck in the word department. He would use concrete language when Hamlet made vows, and abstract language when Claudius made.. whatever he made, to deepen the audiences understanding of the characters. From here I was in a sad mood and decided to write depressingly about the Hamlet graveyard scene and sort of rambled.... whoopsie!

1 comment:

  1. your not a dummie! :) remixing is hard in the beginning but once everyone starts and you get an idea you'll know what to do.
