Thursday, November 21, 2013

Allegory of The Cave Sonnet

Oh struggle of poems! When one has faltered;
Look to the freedom of your own imagination.
When lost in the shadows that shroud ingenuity,
Find the key to release your mind's shackles.
Mental liberation awaits the prepared and willing.
You simply shall will the liberation you desire;
The constriction of your mind will loosen indefinitely.
 Poetic verse may blend and convolute,
The shadows of doubt are blinding;
Don't be distracted with false truth.
The tide of words are echoes;
Let the truth guide your mind.
Narcissus fell to their sirens call;
You decide truth, truth decides you.

As a novice, I decided to create the first 7 lines as octets, and the remaining 7 sestets. Please correct me if that was improper form.


  1. Jake, I like your sonnet! It is more about the meaning and purpose of the allegory, than the basic "a very dark cave." Good job!

  2. I like your sonnet too Jake. Its really well written and the allusions make it very sophisticated.
    As for the octet sextet thing, I think octet is a stanza of 8 lines, while a sextet is a stanza of 6 lines. Hope I helped!

  3. Wow! This is a really great sonnet! I like how you focused a lot on the deeper meaning of the allegory as Miki said.

  4. Your sonnet is really good!
    How do you plan on studying for the final?

  5. Very interesting choice of prose style you chose- but not in a bad way! :) I really like your sonnet.

  6. Your sonnet is unique (in a good way, not that voted-"Most Unique"-way). Me gusta

  7. Cool sonnet Jake! Very good vocabulary!

    I like your blog it is very zen! I like to read a lot of your posts! Please comment on my sonnet I need more!

  8. Very interesting sonnet Jake! The use of an exclamation in the first line effectively draws in the reader.
    In addition, your blog is entertaining because of your posts. You have a unique (in a good way) voice that comes through in your writing. Why do you think Plato chose a cave as the main setting and component of the allegory? Check out my blog here..

  9. Jake, This sonnet was different then most I have read I liked the approach you took when writting it!
    I think your blog is pretty interesting! I keep saying this on everyones but I love your background (its not my fault I love the sky so much!). Keep up the good work! Also I was wondering how you think a sonnet is going to help us with the final?

  10. This was a fun one to read.

    I also like the background of your blog

    How do you plan on studying for the final vocab-wise?

  11. The background on your blog is really pretty and relaxing. Adore it!
    So, are you going to use your blog as your main study guide in order to prepare for the final coming up?
