Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Vocabulary #9

aficionado: one who is extremely proficient at something.
 I guess you can say the office drone got a promotion because he was a paperwork aficionado.

browbeat: intimidate, typically into doing something with stern or abusive words
My mother is fond of browbeating me to do my work.

commensurate: corresponding in size or degree; in proportion.
My cloth size is commensurate with my body.

diaphanous: light, delicate, and translucent.
the light was the stained glass window was diaphanous around the room.

emolument: a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.
I was happy to see my hard earned emolument.

foray: a sudden attack or incursion into enemy territory
i did not expect this foray from Denmark.

genre: a section or group of something or others that are similar.
the science fiction genre is my least favorite genera.

homily: a commentary that usually follows a scripture or speech.
many were impressed with the woman's improvised homily.

immure: to close or seal within.

i don't wish to immure my friends  with my boring speech.

insouciant: showing a casual lack of concern; indifferent.
I am basicly insouciant.
matrix: an array of numbers and or symbols in columns.
in economics, game theory matrices are common in oligopolies.

obsequies: gushing or flowery.
his obsequies manner was getting on my nerves.

panache: brave, flamboyant with reckless courage.
she acted so panache, everyone seemed to dislike her.

persona: an aura or vibe that one gives off.
She has a pleasant persona, but can get moody very quickly.

prurient: having an excessive interest in sexual matters.

many people find **** an overly prurient person.

sacrosanct: regarded as too important or valuable to be interfered with.
the school system has never really been regarded as sacrosanct.
systemic: of or relating to a system, especially as opposed to a particular part.
i have a systemic hatred for the doctor who section of tumblr.

tendentious: expressing or intending to promote a particular cause or point of view.
the speech was going to be good, but he had to stop being so tendentious.

vicissitude: a change of circumstances or fortune, one that is unwelcome or unpleasant
 I arrived at the bus stop on time and realized the bus came and left early, i shook my head in vicissitude.

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